Factors That Influence The Deliverability Of Emails

Do you usually make sure if your Email Marketing campaigns are enjoying good deliverability? Maybe you're creating spectacular, personalized, and segmented emails, but you notice that you're not having a good open rate or conversions. Your Email Marketing strategy deserves a greater deliverability. You've spent time creating a specific email list and your creative team has generated an impressive piece. What could be the problem?

Ask yourself this: When an email automatically appears in your SPAM folder, do you realize? Does that piece exist for you? Will you waste time searching for it? The answer is no. You need to attend to the most common problems that interrupt that deliverability of emails and solve them.

Email deliverability: what is its importance?

When Email Marketing talks about deliverability, it refers to the ability of an email to correctly go through the entire process from the moment it is sent until it reaches a subscriber's inbox.

The deliverability of emails is one of the main factors for the success of your Email Marketing campaigns. If emails aren't reaching your inbox, but are falling into your junk mail, it's clear that your open rate is being seriously affected and therefore some of your efforts are in vain.

Issues affecting email deliverability

To ensure the deliverability of your emails you need to focus your efforts on good practices. And of course, in guaranteeing the reputation of your email server. Although the quality of your database, cleanliness and reputation are largely responsible for good email deliverability, it is important that you know the main problems that could slow down the fluidity of your campaigns. These can be:

1.- Lack of constancy

Being consistent in Email marketing reseller actions guarantees a solid campaign. Although not for that reason you need to reach the fatigue of emails. On the contrary, you should set the appropriate frequency for your campaigns. Keep in mind that most of the emails users receive are promotional emails. Therefore, the saturation for users is usually high.

The fact that promotional emails are invading inboxes means something: they are getting other emails to lose strength and pay less attention to them. Are you going to allow your pieces to get lost along the way?

2.- Lack of quality

The high volume of business can pose another problem: quality control. While your email marketing strategy needs great results to survive, it also needs quality. Don't choose quantity over quality, and make sure opt-in technology is the one filtering your senders.

A simple opt-in service will ensure that your messages are received by the right users. If you've prioritized quantity, you may have neglected your email lists and consequently aren't well segmented and lack a touch of personalization. A well-targeted email is a delivered email.

3.- Inappropriate format

You'd be surprised how many marketers incorrectly format their messages. Try not to create incorrect HTML encoding. In addition, you should avoid prohibited keywords or you will fall into anti-spam filters. You also need to make sure that your messages are displayed correctly on all devices. Smartphone owners will not consume a part that is not displayed or not charged. On the contrary, they will mark you as spam.

4.- Low reputation

Speaking of spam, the quality of the sender's name is also important and influences the deliverability of emails. If your pieces have been formatted correctly, the density of keywords and responsive design have been taken care of, poor results could be a consequence of a low reputation. Not your reputation, per se, but the reputation of your email identity.

Deliverability rates are affected by previously received emails. If your brand has a somewhat problematic track record and you've even received several complaints, the reputation will get worse and worse.

In addition, the email marketing software you use should be aware of all legislative needs. As well as anti-spam policies. Therefore, the choice of email marketing campaign management platform is transcendental.

5.- Outdated database

Consumers often create new email addresses. And unfortunately, your campaign will suffer its effects with high bounce rates. Therefore, performing database cleanups is critical to maintaining balanced email deliverability.

Too many marketers fall into the trap of the inactive user, where accidental bounces reduce the perceived value of the company's email. If many of your messages bounce, subscribers won't be engaged. Or worse: you'll have a skewed value in the success of your campaign, resulting in a misaligned strategy. Keep up to date with all contacts. Otherwise, your brand will become a spammer.

What other factors are involved in this deliverability process?

Now that you know the fundamental problems, you need to get going to solve them. Keep in mind that these five problems are the ones that have the most weight when deciding whether your parts are delivered or not, so they have priority.

However, once resolved, there are also many other factors that, if optimized, would positively improve the deliverability of emails. So, keep these tricks in mind:

1.- Avoid spamtraps

Spamtraps come in many forms and there are different types, but they are all the same: fake email addresses. They are used to detect merchants who have been collecting emails with bad practices. That is, they are non-existent or empty email accounts that providers such as Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo use to detect those senders who are dedicated to sending emails without the authorization of the recipient.

However, spamtraps are very dangerous for your domain. If you send emails to these accounts without even knowing they're fake, you could jeopardize the deliverability of the emails. The main measure to take to avoid these traps is not to buy databases, but to create them yourself. From there, you should worry about keeping it clean and up to date.

2.- Beware of blacklists

Titles that don't work in email marketing: Blacklist

Blacklists host all kinds of IP addresses that generate spam voluntarily and involuntarily. And they are largely responsible for spoiling the deliverability of emails. In addition, you should know that in this specific case elements such as the reputation of each sender come into play.

But what happens when they leak your email address as another component of a blacklist and you didn't know it? There are different reasons why you may appear there:

  • You may have sent emails to a spamtrap.
  • You have been hacked and you are sending emails automatically without having proof of it.
  • Your domain is on a server that has been identified as a spammer.

To avoid this, it is best to have the Return Path certification activated. In this way, the probability that your emails will reach their destination will increase.

3.- Opt for a personalized IP address

Custom IP addresses are used exclusively for your campaigns and senders. Custom IP-based email programs thrive on consistent, healthy volume.

4.- Generate shared IPs for everyone else

If you send fewer than 200 or 300 emails per campaign, you don't need a custom IP. Your Email Marketing campaign would benefit most from using a shared pool of IP addresses.

5.- Continuity with the brand image

Consistent brand image in Email Marketing

You don't need to be reminded how important brand image is to do good marketing. Both your website and the other pieces need to look coherent. But emails also need to impact, attract and be relevant to each user. It is very important that you maintain the same brand image in all your pieces.

Your subscribers will gradually become familiar with your brand identity. And therefore, they won't expect abrupt design changes between campaigns. You could lose professionalism and harm the deliverability of emails.

6.- Use a professional email marketing platform

Using one or the other platform to launch your email marketing campaigns is something that should not be chosen lightly. Above all, because the platform depends on whether the deliverability of emails is good or not.

The fight against spam is causing ISPs and email providers to increasingly strengthen their rules for emails to reach subscribers' inboxes. That is why it is important to have a professional Email marketing reseller plan platform such as MDirector. Remember that deliverability is one of the most relevant Email Marketing metrics and is the key to the success of any campaign. In addition, the email marketing software you trust needs to stay up-to-date and informed about legislative needs and anti-spam policies.

Therefore, the choice of email marketing campaign management platform is transcendental. Do you want to improve the reputation as a sender and your users? Sign up for MDirector and we will help you have a reputation of ten.


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